Michael "Juicy" Greene, son and stepson of Mary Lee and Fred Tyson, was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1947. Brother Greene received his bachelor's of science degree in 1970 from Houston-Tillison University in Austin, Texas. In 1967, he was initiated into the Gamma Lambda Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated. Mike acquired the nickname of "Juicy" because of his athletic prowess in track.
Brother Greene graduated cum laude and continued his quest for excellence while working for the Xerox Corporation in Chicago, Illinois. During his tenure there, he receive several acknowledgements including the Xerox General Manager's 100% Club for outstanding performance in the Midwest, the Xerox Par Club Award and the Xerox Touchdown Club Award. Brother Greene became an active and financial member of the New Brunswick Alumni Chapter in 1989.
On February 28, 1996, Michael Greene entered the Chapter Invisible. He is greatly missed by his mother, stepfather, fraternity brothers, and friends. Brother Greene touched everyone he met with his compassion, his spirit of giving and his never ending bright smile. Although he is physically no longer with us, his warmth lives on within all of us. A scholarship award was named in his memory in 1996 and has been given annually to a local area graduating high school senior .
Must be a graduating graduating high school senior who plan to attend a four-year institution of higher learning. Students must either have selected a college or completed the application process.
A minimum GPA necessary for scholarship consideration is 2.50.
All Application packets muxt be complete including the application, two letters of recommendation, an official high school transcript and essay.
All materials must be received by the application deadline.